Friday, May 30, 2008

my table left this for me

a few months ago...

man, woman, and small child dining at my table- seem totally normal. they leave, I go to collect the check binder from the table and find this:

Couldn't have added "work from home" or some other clue as to what he meant? No? So it's sex then? Yeah, that's class for you...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

superjunk - ha!

supergirl stuff never ceases to amuse me...

These figures are all pretty cool, but the Super Virgin Mary
is, by far, the most awesome action figure ever.

There are websites devoted to finding old comic book frames and
covers featuring unintentional sexual innuendos or other out-right amusing things. One of my favorites is Superdickery. It abounds with examples of Superman acting like a jerk-face, Batman being gay, and features a lovely little section entitled "Seduction of the Innocent."

Funny Superhero Comic Book Covers also has some good ones. My favorites:

Supergirl gets splashed in the face with "golden rain."
Poor Spiderman gets violently ass-punched.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


A recent excursion,
Innocently grocery shopping,

Perusing the "Ethnic Foods."
And what to my wondering eyes should appear?
Cock Soup!

Says it's spicy. I'll bet it's creamy, too...

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

matthew 25:46 hates black people

Sometimes people think it's a good idea to leave religious pamphlets in lieu of good tips, as if my working in a restaurant automatically means I'm going to Hell. I have news for you. Working in a restaurant is Hell. And what's with this?

Why is the skeleton goblin stealing a black man?
THESE will go away..." "THESE?" I guess eternal life is only for righteous non-black people.