a few months ago...man, woman, and small child dining at my table- seem totally normal. they leave, I go to collect the check binder from the table and find this:
Couldn't have added "work from home" or some other clue as to what he meant? No? So it's sex then? Yeah, that's class for you...
A recent excursion,
Innocently grocery shopping,Perusing the "Ethnic Foods."And what to my wondering eyes should appear?Cock Soup!
Says it's spicy. I'll bet it's creamy, too...
Sometimes people think it's a good idea to leave religious pamphlets in lieu of good tips, as if my working in a restaurant automatically means I'm going to Hell. I have news for you. Working in a restaurant is Hell. And what's with this?
Why is the skeleton goblin stealing a black man?
"And THESE will go away..." "THESE?" I guess eternal life is only for righteous non-black people.